Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Piano-player and Music Therapist, Expert in Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication and orthomolecular integration. Communication Manager for European holdings, she manages seminars and conferences on evolutionary and motivational topics of both organisational-corporate and human-relational interest. Founder of Quantum Psychomedicine TM.
REVELATIONS FROM SPACE. Extraterrestrials, Intraterrestrials and Beings of Light described by contactees, scientists, politicians, ex-military personnel and researchers. (Italica Editrice, 2021) – Extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials and Beings of light described on the basis of testimonies from contactees, contactees, politicians, ex-military personnel, researchers, representatives of the scientific world and ordinary people who were able to produce tangible evidences. An anthology of extraterrestrial races described with precision and the personological, social and environmental characteristics of the worlds from which they come, accessible even to those who have never dealt with the E.T. phenomenon.
Scheduled on Friday 28 July at 7.30pm