Franco Fracassi

Journalist, author of more than 28 books, photographer, director, he works for the main Italian and international newspapers. War journalist (Bosnia, Kosovo, Angola, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine), carried out investigations into corruption, mafia, terrorism and secret services and covered the main world events (the fall of the Berlin Wall, the coup in Russia, the Olympics, the […]

Fabrizio Bibi Pinna and Alessandra Cossu

Fabrizio Pinna was born in Cagliari in 1983 and grow up in Serramanna. Alessandra Cossu was born in Cagliari in 1989 and lives in Elmas. Having met six years ago thanks to their shared passions (speleology and photography), they decided to tell together through social media the lesser-known wonders of Sardinia, dedicating all their resources […]

Andrea Cionci

Art historian, journalist and writer, he deals with military history, archaeology, environment and religion for some of the most important national newspapers. Graduated from the Conservatory, expert in opera, he created the “Mimerito” educational method of the MIUR. Promoter of the scientific study on the relics attributed to Pliny the Elder, he was an embedded […]

Giovanna Garbuio

Responsible for spreading of Western Ho-oponopono in Italy, a “discipline” that she practices digging into the most ancient Hawaian culture. Her path crosses the wisdom of Aunty Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, Mary Kawana Pukui, Pali Jae Lee, Aunty Mahealani Kuamo’o-Henry, Kumu Maka’ala Yates and many others. A precious tool for making our life project as a […]

Ettore Guarnaccia

Multi-certified manager in ICT in the banking milieu, top counselor in cybersecurity, it works for the biggest Italian banking companies and studies the mechanisms that regulate and influence society, habits and behaviors. Cybersecurity professor at the Universities of Trieste and Padova. In recent years he has been dedicating himself to the education of young people […]

Sandro Torella and Andrea Colombini

WATCH OUT FOR THOSE TWO! Live Sandro Torella and Andrea Colombini, “influencers in spite of themselves”, trace a personal analysis of the contemporary geopolitical and social situation through a personal reading of facts, opinions, dynamics and critical issues linked to the current historical period in which emergencies, of any nature and origin become a constant […]

Roberto Quaglia

Science fiction journalist and essayist, ranges from science fiction to surreal gothic, humour, theatre, international geopolitics, counter-information essays. He is the only Italian writer to win the prestigious BSFA (British Science Fiction Award). He worked for a long time with Giulietto Chiesa for Pandora TV broadcast. He collaborates with ControTV and La Casa del Sole […]

Enrica Perucchietti

She lives and works in Turin as a journalist, writer and editor. She is the author of numerous successful essays. Amongst them: “Cyberuomo. From artificial intelligence to the man-machine hybrid”, “Behind the scenes”, “Fake news”, “Global Government”, “The manipulation factory”, “Unisex”, “Womb for rent” and “False Flag. Under a false flag.” THE HANDLING FACTORY. How […]

Stefano Re

Counselor in symbolic and executive language and Criminology, he deals with sexual and serial murders, crime scene analysis, behavior prediction, criminogenesis, dynamic criminological analysis of urban environment, crisis management and preventive and repressive intervention methods. For 20 years he has been writing essays and teaching meta-communication masters. He teaches everything about Mindfucking, also because, like […]

Matteo Gracis

Journalist and free thinker, he founded and directs the magazine Dolce Vita . Former communications manager to a Deputy of the Italian Republic. Hemp culture expert, he works as advisor for some of the most important European companies. He wrote “Hemp, an incredible story”, “Far away, 10 life-changing journeys” and “Survival manual for humans who […]